

Namespace: FsCassy

DSL for composing the statements

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
bindM f _arg1
Signature: f:('?7745 -> Statement<'?7746,'?7747>) -> _arg1:Statement<'?7746,'?7745> -> Statement<'?7746,'?7747>
Type parameters: '?7745, '?7746, '?7747

Compose statement x with the statement returned by f

count arg1
Signature: '?7782 -> Statement<'?7783,Computation<int64>>
Type parameters: '?7782, '?7783

count the results of a query

delete arg1
Signature: '?7779 -> Statement<'?7780,CommandStatement>
Type parameters: '?7779, '?7780

delete command

execute arg1
Signature: '?7791 -> Statement<'t,Computation<unit>>
Type parameters: '?7791, 't

execute a command statement (doesn't return anything)

find arg1
Signature: '?7788 -> Statement<'t,Computation<'t option>>
Type parameters: '?7788, 't

execute find operation (may return a single record)

lift clause
Signature: clause:Clause<'t,'r> -> Statement<'t,'r>
Type parameters: 't, 'r

Lift clause into statement

prepared (s, args) arg3
Signature: (s:string * args:obj []) -> TableStatement -> Statement<'?7769,PreparedStatement>
Type parameters: '?7769

prepared statement

read arg1
Signature: '?7785 -> Statement<'t,Computation<seq<'t>>>
Type parameters: '?7785, 't

execute read operation (return all matching records)

returnM x
Signature: x:'?7749 -> Statement<'?7750,'?7749>
Type parameters: '?7749, '?7750

Return statement x

select x arg2
Signature: x:(type) -> '?7764 -> Statement<'?7763,QueryStatement>
Type parameters: '?7763, '?7764

select query

Signature: Statement<'t,TableStatement>
Type parameters: 't

table starts every statement, binding a mapped type to the operation

take n arg2
Signature: n:int -> '?7757 -> Statement<'?7758,QueryStatement>
Type parameters: '?7757, '?7758

take query

update arg1
Signature: '?7773 -> Statement<'?7774,CommandStatement>
Type parameters: '?7773, '?7774

partial update command

updateIf x arg2
Signature: x:(type) -> '?7777 -> Statement<'?7776,CommandStatement>
Type parameters: '?7776, '?7777

conditional partial update

upsert i arg2
Signature: i:'?7771 -> TableStatement -> Statement<'?7771,CommandStatement>
Type parameters: '?7771

insert or update command

where x arg2
Signature: x:(type) -> '?7761 -> Statement<'?7760,QueryStatement>
Type parameters: '?7760, '?7761

where query

withConsistency c q
Signature: c:Consistency -> q:'?7766 -> Statement<'?7767,'?7766>
Type parameters: '?7766, '?7767

specify consistency for the operation

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